Why does a person need proper nutrition and diet

An excursion into history
When thinking about proper nutrition, it would not be superfluous to look into the history. The issue of proper nutrition in general and diet in particular has been worrying people for centuries. Even the gloomy primitive people, who are so colorfully depicted with sticks and a stone axe in their hands in pictures in textbooks, wondered about proper nutrition - despite all the scarcity of the diet, they had to be selective about what they ate. Yes, yes, because what they ate was supposed to satisfy their survival needs, give them the strength and advantages they needed to live among predators and in the unfavorable living conditions of that time.
What is it for?
Of course, these are different times, people in the developed social communities of our time have long stopped thinking about what they eat for, the cult of food is present in a person's lifestyle, not for the sake of survival, but for the sake of pleasure. People choose the setting where they want to have dinner, whether it's a restaurant overlooking the sea or a cozy cafe in a bustling city, pleasant companions with whom they want to share a meal, and also make a choice in the kitchen, giving preference to the cuisine of certain nations, and focusing, of course, only on pleasure receptors. Very few people think about proper nutrition…
However, promiscuity in choosing food sooner or later makes itself felt, and after another attack of ill health, a person suddenly begins to think about the causes of the malaise, and wonder what caused it, what he eats, what kind of lifestyle he leads. It is often after the first "bells" of poor health that a person finally thinks about how well his lifestyle is chosen, what benefits a person receives from what he eats.
What to do?
In modern cities, there are entire centers, institutes, and similar institutions dealing with diets and proper nutrition. A well-chosen diet often saves a person from various diseases, and sometimes just gives him a chance to survive. There are many cases when it was the right diet that saved a person from terrible diagnoses.
But even outside of ailments, even an absolutely healthy person needs to think about what to eat, a well-structured diet will protect him not only from diseases, but also give him a boost of energy, a fresh look, good mood and health for many years to come. Experience high payout rates with every spin .

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